Research program Hydraulic Engineering and Ecology
Since 2002, the interdisciplinary research program has provided a scientific foundation for the sustainable management of our rivers and streams. The program is a joint initiative by the Federal Office for the Environment and four research institutions: Eawag, PL-LCH EPFL, VAW ETH Zurich and WSL.
Current Project
Resilient Rivers
Rivers and streams crisscross our landscapes in a complex, widely connected network.
Latest products & publications
Federal Office for the Environment FOEN, ed. 2023. Riverscape – sediment dynamics and connectivity. Practice-oriented research in hydraulic engineering and ecology. Environmental Studies Nr. 2302. Fedral Office for the Environment FOEN, Bern. [pdf, 14.2 MB]
Fink, S., Belser, A., De Cesare, G., Weber, C., Vetsch, D., 2023. "Lebensraum Gewässer - Seidmentdyamik und Vernetzung": Veröffentlichung aus der praxisorientierten Forschung im Wasserbau und Ökologie. N + L Inside 23(2): 27-32. pdf
Dubuis, R., De Cesare, G., 2023. The clogging of riverbeds: A review of the physical processes. Earth-Science Reviews, 239: 104374.
Interactive map
Our research results can be explored in a playful way on the interactive map.